

An anonymous, aggregate report which enables you to benchmark your business portfolio against competitors.

What is MarketTrends?

MarketTrends® offers a wealth of data that directly addresses two critical aspects of business lending:

  • The higher impact of loan losses
  • The divergent performance among types of business

Equipped with MarketTrends data, you can improve your bottom line and identify valuable opportunities to optimize key, strategic goals. MarketTrends assists you with benchmarking competitor and peer performance helping you make more informed decisions.

Market Trends

What Reports Do I Get


Access performance data from Canada’s leading financial institutions, including additional industry data

Risk Score

Access decile and quintile groupings using TransUnion’s small business risk score – developed solely on industry bank data


Access multiple product views, such as bank cards, installment loans (including large instalment and demand loans) and lines of credit. Additional product-level filtering is available

Risk Rating

Access categorizations based on the R* rating which is defined by severity of delinquency

Province & Region

Access credit data aggregated at regional, provincial/territorial and sub-provincial levels, including data for the 20 largest Canadian cities

Industry Classification

Access credit usage and risk performance differences by unique business SIC, giving you additional insights to enhance portfolio management

If you’re a consumer with questions or issues related to your personal credit report, disputes, fraud, identity theft or credit monitoring services, please visit our

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