Choose from several options to transmit your data to us including Internet solutions, leased lines and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
All Internet transmissions are required to be encrypted dynamically or statically. Dynamic encryption occurs automatically when using any 128-bit enabled SSL client. Currently, we support PGP® (Pretty Good Privacy®) for static encryption. There are no restrictions on what type of client is used for file transmission. Most standard FTP clients that can use an alternate port (i.e., 10021 instead of 21) can be used to transmit data. For transmissions that will not use encryption software, we recommend compressing the file. The following table summarizes the Internet options:
Software protocol | Encryption | Client | File size limits |
HTTPS | Dynamic - SSL | Web Browser | Up to 500MB |
FTPS | Dynamic - SSL | Most FTPS Clients | Up to 2GB |
FTP | Static - PGP | Most FTP Clients | Up to 2GB |
Leased line connections are dedicated circuits that allow system-to-system connectivity. FTP with or without encryption may be used to move data between systems. Files of any size may be sent in this method. The use of leased line connectivity eliminates the need for encryption, unless required by the customer, because the connection is point to point. FTP is a barebones data mover with no compression, recovery or restart capabilities. Recovery from any failure in the transmission requires the entire file to be resent. In addition, there is logging only at the initiating site, which makes trouble diagnosis difficult.