Get the information you need on the financial situation of customers and prospects with TransUnion Credit Reports
TransUnion credit reports are designed to be easy to read and understand for faster and more informed decision-making, reduced risk and streamlined operations. We maintain more than 20 million Canadian consumer credit report files in our database. The information is provided by more than 300 credit-granting institutions and data suppliers. The database is updated regularly, upon receipt from our data suppliers, so you can be confident in evaluating the financial responsibility of a prospective customer. Use TransUnion Credit Reports for the insight you need to make better decisions throughout the customer lifecycle.
TransUnion Credit Report
Get the insights you need to make better informed lending decisions and help facilitate efficient underwriting.
TransUnion Model Report
The TransUnion Model report includes demographic information as well as a summary of the consumer’s full credit report, useful when the full credit bureau report is not required
TransUnion ID Report
The TransUnion ID Report includes the demographic information to allow you to quickly confirm a consumer’s relevant information
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