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Credit Report Disputes

You can dispute your credit information or update personal information on our credit report in three ways.

Dispute your credit information or file a complaint

Our goal is to maintain accurate information on your TransUnion credit report. By law, TransUnion is obligated to verify the accuracy of the information on a credit report that you dispute. If you do not recognize information on your credit report, or believe an item may be inaccurate, you may request an investigation. Only inaccurate information may be removed; negative information that is accurate will stay on your credit report as long as the governing laws allow. Changes on your credit report that occur as the result of an investigation will be made on both your consumer disclosure and your credit report.

TransUnion provides this service to you free of charge, in accordance with applicable legislation. TransUnion will not provide any additional services or treat a consumer differently due to the fact that the consumer has retained and paid a credit repair company. Whether you launch a dispute yourself or through a credit repair company, the outcome of the investigation will be the same. Please also note that the activities of credit repair companies are regulated in some provinces. For more information, please visit Consumer Protection.

You can dispute your credit information or update personal information on our credit report in three ways:




New! Quick and easy online access allows you to view your credit file and dispute items you believe to be inaccurate.

What you need
Before attempting to submit a dispute online, please make sure you have all of the necessary information on hand:

  • Full name
  • Social Insurance Number (optional)
  • Date of birth
  • Current address
  • Previous address (if at current address less than two years)
  • Name of the disputed item (from your credit report)
  • Reason for your dispute (e.g., you have paid the account, etc.)

By Telephone


We’re here to help
Our TransUnion representatives are available to assist you with the dispute process. If you recently applied for credit or received a copy of your TransUnion Credit Report and you believe there is an inaccuracy, simply call:

English speakers in all provinces:
Toll-free 1-800-663-9980

French speakers in all provinces:
Toll-free 1-877-713-3393 or 514-335-0374 in Montreal 

Our Consumer Relations Department is available Monday through Friday. English hours of operation 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. ET. French hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET. Excluding major holidays.

What you need
Before you place your call, please make sure you have all of the necessary information on hand:

  • Full name
  • Social Insurance Number (optional)
  • Date of birth
  • Current address
  • Previous address (if at current address less than two years)
  • Company name of the disputed item (from your credit report)
  • Reason for your dispute (e.g., you have paid the account, etc.)

By Mail


It's easy to dispute any inaccurate credit or personal information on your credit report. Simply follow these steps:

Download and complete form
Simply download and complete the Investigations form:
English Form
French Form

You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® to print the Investigation form. You can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Web site.

Make sure you provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Current address
  • Previous address (if less than two years at current address)
  • Date of birth
  • Social Insurance Number (optional)
  • Employment information (optional)
  • Telephone number (optional)
  • Name of the company you have a dispute with (from your credit report)
  • Account number, if known
  • Reason for your dispute (e.g., you have paid the account, etc.)
  • Documentation to support the amendment you have requested. If the amendments are to your personal information (e.g., name), please provide supporting identification documentation, such as change of name certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

Mail form and documentation
Forms and supporting documentation can be sent to the following addresses:

English speakers in all provinces except Quebec
TransUnion Consumer Relations Department
P.O. Box 338, LCD1
Hamilton Ontario
L8L 7W2

French speakers in all provinces and English speakers in Quebec:
Centre de relations au consommateur
P.O. Box 338, LCD1
Hamilton Ontario
L8L 7W2

Rights, Complaints and Requests Policy