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Consumer Disclosure

You have the right to obtain a copy of your Consumer Disclosure - free of charge - online, by mail or in person

TransUnion Consumer Disclosure

A Consumer Disclosure is a complete account of all the information on your credit report, as mandated by consumer reporting legislation. Unlike the version supplied to a business that purchases TransUnion services, which is referred to as a "Business Version," a Consumer Disclosure lists all inquiries made to your credit information, including account management inquiries, non-credit-related inquiries and your own inquiries. The Business Version is an abbreviated version of the Consumer Disclosure. This is the credit report that creditors do see. The Business Version does not contain account management inquiries, non-credit related inquiries, or your personal inquiries to obtain a copy of your credit information.

*Quebec Residents:

In order to comply with the Quebec Credit Assessment Agents Act  (“CAAA” or “Act”) effective February 1, 2021, consumers who reside in the province of Quebec are entitled to see their credit score and score factors on their consumer disclosure. Therefore all consumer disclosures issued to Quebec residents have a score and score factors integrated as part of the consumer disclosure.

You have the right to obtain a copy of your Consumer Disclosure, free of charge by mail or in person.


New! Quick and easy online access to view and download your free monthly Consumer Disclosure.


It's easy to request your free Consumer Disclosure by mail. Simply follow these steps:

Download and complete form

Simply download and complete the Consumer Request form.
You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® to print the Consumer Request form. You can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Web site.

Make sure all of the following information is filled out:

  • Name*
  • Current address*
  • Previous address (*if less than two years at current address)
  • Date of birth*
  • Social Insurance Number (optional)
  • Employment information (optional)
  • Telephone number (optional)
  • Signature*

*Required information

Gather required identifying information
TransUnion also requires both sides of two pieces of photocopied identification from the following list. Together these combined pieces must contain your name, current address, date of birth and signature. Do NOT send any original copies of identification. If submitting a request for more than one consumer in the same envelope, please ensure that the request and identification for each consumer are submitted on separate request forms and separate 8 ½” x 11” sheets of white paper.
Acceptable primary identification
We require one piece of valid (non-expired) Canadian government-issued identification. Examples include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Canadian passport
  • Certificate of Indian Status
  • Birth certificate
  • Canada permanent resident (PR) card
  • Citizenship card
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada form (must be accompanied with valid foreign passport).
    *Please note the form, along with the foreign passport, will count as one piece of primary ID; a secondary piece of ID is still required.
  • Old Age Security card
  • Department of National Defence card
  • Provincial photo ID

Additional pieces of acceptable identification. Examples include:

  • Utility bill indicating current address
  • Credit card statement indicating current address
  • CNIB card
  • Social Insurance card
  • T4 slip (current tax year)
  • Notice of Assessments (current tax year)
  • GST/HST Refunds (current tax year)
  • Child Tax Benefits (current tax year)
  • Together these combined pieces must contain your name, current address, date of birth and signature.

Mail form and identifying information
Please send the completed form and a photocopy of both sides of your two pieces of identifying information to:

English speakers in all provinces except Quebec:
TransUnion Consumer Relations Department
P.O. Box 338, LCD1
Hamilton Ontario
L8L 7W2

French speakers in all provinces and English speakers in Quebec :
Centre de relations au consommateur
P.O. Box 338, LCD1
Hamilton Ontario
L8L 7W2

In Person

To request your free Consumer Disclosure in person, please visit one of our provincial offices.

When you visit one of our offices, please ensure that you bring two pieces of identification from the following list. Together these combined pieces must contain your name, current address, date of birth and signature.

Acceptable primary identification
We require one piece of valid, non-expired Canadian Government-issued identification. Examples include:

  • Drivers license
  • Canadian Passport
  • Certificate of Indian Status
  • Birth Certificate
  • Permanent Resident card
  • Citizenship and Immigration form
  • Old Age Security card
  • Department of National Defence card
  • Provincial photo ID
  • Additional pieces of acceptable identification

Examples include:

  • Utility bill indicating current address
  • Credit card statement indicating current address
  • CNIB card
  • Social Insurance card
  • T4 slip (current tax year)
  • Notice of Assessments (current tax year)
  • GST/HST Refunds (current tax year)
  • Child Tax Benefits (current tax year)

Together these combined pieces must contain your name, current address, date of birth and signature.

By Phone

If you are unable to or do not wish to obtain your disclosure online, you can still get your disclosure over the phone by speaking to one of our agents at 1-800-663-9980